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Web Accessibility Best Practices

Tips and tricks for beginners and experts alike.

tota11y - an accessibility visualization toolkit

tota11y is a free browser plugin that allows you to quickly visualize how your site performs with assistive technologies. It’s essentially a beginner-friendly accessibility validator. It’s great for doing quick checks because it’s always available in your browser bookmarks. You can play with a demo on tota11y’s homepage:


Getting started is easy; you don’t even have to install anything, and it works in any browser. You simply add the plugin to your bookmarks. On the tota11y homepage, drag the bookmarklet into your bookmarks toolbar:


In your browser, open the page you want to visualize. Then, click on the tota11y bookmark. A small grey tab will appear in the bottom-left corner of the page; clicking that tab opens a toolbar.

The toolbar contains a self-explanatory list of tools; the tools are labeled with clear descriptions in case you forget what they do. Click a tool to toggle it on/off.

There are options to view heading structure, color contrast, link text, labels, alt-text, and ARIA landmarks. If there are problems with any of these on the page, tota11y will point out where and provide details about what is wrong.

There is also a “Screen Reader Wand” that allows you to hover over an element and preview how it would be seen by a screen reader. This is not as good as doing actual testing with a screen reader, but it’s a low-barrier entry to such practices. structure, color contrast, link text, labels, alt-text, and ARIA landmarks. If there are problems with any of these on the page, tota11y will point out where and provide details about what is wrong.

There is also a “Screen Reader Wand” that allows you to hover over an element and preview how it would be seen by a screen reader. This is not as good as doing actual testing with a screen reader, but it’s a low-barrier entry to such practices.